Internet Marketing for Older Adults

15 Lucrative Niches That Are Perfect for SeniorsOne of the most important decisions you’re going to make with your online career is which niche you plan to be in. Once you have that decided, you’ll be able to build many different business models to expand your income.

But the niche selection process is one that stumps many individuals. You may have feelings of uncertainty about whether or not you’re qualified to lead a niche, whether it will provide you with enough income, or how to create a business plan to tackle the topic.

When you’re a senior citizen, you sometimes have even more doubt about what would be the best option for you to pursue, but rest assured there are numerous niches in which you can be a competitive force, and in fact, outperform your younger counterparts with your insight and knowledge.

Below, you’ll find fifteen niche topics that are perfect for seniors who want to be able to share their thoughts and see a financial return on their investment of time, without being forced to adopt a second full-time career in their golden years.

1 – Seniors Can Earn Money Teaching Younger Generations Survival Techniques

The survival niche is one that is perfect for senior citizens because they come from a time when many of the activities needed for homesteading were passed down from generations before.

For example, parents who were raised in the depression passed down their knowledge to today’s baby boomers for things like gardening, baking bread, canning food, repairing things that you own and other aspects that are crucial to survival when you don’t have the conveniences of the modern world.

Younger generations who have been raised without enduring any hardships, in a world where everything is at their fingertips in local stores or to be purchased online, need the advice and old school insight of seniors who know how to homestead and take care of their family from scratch.

There are many digital and tangible products you can promote as a senior in the survival niche. There are courses people can download that teach a variety of survival skills.

But they also want to purchase things so they’ll be ready in the event of a major disaster. That might include readymade survival food, canning equipment, solar ovens, generators, emergency radios, solar lights, bug out bags, tents, first aid kits and so much more.

To get started in this niche, you need to decide how broad or how narrow you want to go with it. Do you want to teach everything including food storage, water purification, self defense, shelters, first aid, and more – or narrow it down and focus on one aspect of survival homesteading?

You can start a blog on the topic for under $20 and put your content there as well as on social media platforms where there’s a hungry audience for it. There are numerous survival topic followers on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and other platforms waiting for a voice like yours to guide them in what they need to do to be prepared.

You can earn money as an affiliate marketer, an influencer who gets paid for popular content, as an info product creator, and even earn with ad revenue if you allow ads to be placed strategically on your site.

1 – Turn Your Love for Your Pets Into an Online Moneymaker as a Senior

Senior citizens often have a deep connection to their pets. Whether it’s a dog, cat, bird or other animal, you can take your love of pets and turn it into a lucrative online business.

One of the reasons seniors make great leaders in this niche is that they have likely owned and cared for pets over a period of many years or even decades. This personal ownership can deliver great insight into the benefits and challenges new pet owners might face.

You will also have an understanding of the emotional pros and cons of raising a pet that you love, being faced with health challenges and other problems such as finances that might arise.

There are many different digital courses for pet owners, such as how to potty train your puppy or how to select the best breed of dog for your family. But there are also many tangible products you can promote as an affiliate.

Some of the most popular things that pet owners purchase, which you could earn commissions on, include things like pet food and treats, toys and accessories such as collars and leashes or bedding, grooming supplies as well as health and wellness products, training tools, and even fun technology gadgets such as treat dispensers that owners can use whenever they are away at work.

To get started in this niche as a senior marketer, decide how you want to narrow your slant. For example, do you want to target dogs or cats, birds or reptiles? Once you have that answer, decide if you want to cover everything about that particular type of pet or if you want to cover one aspect of pet ownership, such as dog health or dog training.

Conduct some research for your market so that you understand what they are looking for, any preferences or specific pain points that you’ll need to cover, and register a domain and get hosting so that you can set up a blog of your own.

From there, you’ll want to stay claim to your brand’s name on various social media platforms, so that you can create content for both your blog and your audience on various social media sites and apps.

3 – Health Topics for Fellow Seniors Can Be Highly Profitable

By the time someone achieves senior citizen status, they have likely experienced or know others who have experienced various health issues in life. These can be anything from minor inconveniences to major health obstacles.

You’ll be able to share your own stories and tips in a way that conveys empathy so that your target audience can relate to you on a deeper level then they would simply going to read facts on a scientific website.

You’ll understand the challenges that they will face and the emotional state they will be in as they navigate their health issue. Some of the best health topics for senior citizens to tap into would be things that begin developing as you age.

For example, type 2 diabetes is more common as you get older, as is arthritis or heart disease. Any type of chronic illness that worsens as we age would be a good topic to cover as a senior marketer.

You may also want to get into the alternative health niche. There are many natural remedies that are passed down from generations that many people prefer to use instead of traditional approaches.

There are some digital courses and tools that are sold in the health niche, that you can profit from. However, many of your sales will likely come from tangible items. Dietary supplements that can improve your overall health and wellness are very popular with buyers in this niche.

There are also a variety of health monitoring devices, such as blood sugar monitors that you might be able to promote for a commission. people purchase blood pressure monitors, nebulizers, and a variety of alternative remedies such as aromatherapy and the other healing products that are popular with consumers.

You want to be careful about doling out advice in the health field, and always encourage your readers to check with their doctor before taking any of your advice. But you can still start a blog of your own, create your own info products, and review other products as an affiliate marketer or influencer on your side as well as on social media.

4 – Seniors Can Generate Revenue Teaching Others How to Stay Active and Fit as They Age

If you are a senior citizen who has either overcome a situation where you were in poor physical health, or you have always maintained a healthy physique, you will make a great fit for the fitness and weight loss niche.

Not only do people want to know how to lose weight and achieve physical fitness, but they also need to get motivated to stay active as they age. As a senior, you may have your own program mapped out that has helped you with your goals.

This can come after many years of trying a variety of different nutrition and fitness programs that didn’t quite fit with what you needed. Not only can you help others with their goals, but you can serve as a role model on how to age in a way that is healthy and inspiring to others.

As a leader in the fitness industry, you can promote exercise courses that will teach you how to achieve your fitness goals, but you can also promote a wide variety of tangible products.

Not only can you promote full fitness programs, but you can also promote things like exercise equipment that they may purchase for a home gym. These can range from treadmills or ellipticals all the way to smaller items such as resistance bands or a balance ball.

Other items that you can promote in the fitness niche include wearable technology such as fitness trackers, clothing that people purchase specifically to get their workouts in, and supplements that not only help them lose weight, but also help with muscle recovery as well as joint health.

If you decide to get into the fitness niche as a senior marketer, decide who your target audience will be first. For example, it may be people over 50, or it may be specifically a male or female audience.

Once you have that in mind, think of your slant and how you want to teach them to achieve their fitness goals. For example, some people focus on CrossFit or some other specific fitness program that they want their followers to adhere to.

You can start your own fitness blog, where you review products that other people have created. You can also create your own info products, and even elevate your earnings by offering a coaching program, if you decide to go that route.

5 – Use Your Arts and Crafts Knowledge to Start an Online Business

There are many younger generations who are turning to seniors in an effort to learn arts and crafts that they had no one to teach them. In fact, one of the most popular info products on ClickBank is a woodworking course.

Senior citizens not only have the experience in this industry to guide others in their own creations, but they also have a dedication to quality and creativity that helps when sharing their knowledge with others.

Not only can you enjoy immersing yourself in these endeavors on a regular basis, since many people use them for stress relief, but you can also share your enjoyment of the craft with others in an online community who are willing to purchase your guidance and instructions.

There are some online courses, including video courses, where you can teach or promote products that teach others how to do things like crocheting, knitting, painting, etc.

You can also promote a wide variety of low cost and high ticket products as an affiliate in the arts and crafts industry. For example, you can promote craft kits so that people can embroider their own custom image, or you can promote an entire sewing machine.

Another thing you may want to promote as an affiliate in the arts and crafts niche is the organization and storage category of products that people will need once they are involved in a particular arts and crafts niche.

Another way you can earn money in the arts and crafts niche is by creating handmade goods that you sell on a store of your own such as Etsy. You can even take custom requests for personalized products.

Some people start a blog or YouTube channel where they teach these crafts and skills, while others simply do the work on their own and then open their own storefront to sell or promote items from there.

6 – Golf Is a Popular Senior Sport and Online Niche for Both Men and Women

When it comes to hobbies, there’s one that is a sport that keeps seniors in tip top physical shape, which would be perfect for both men and women to get into. Golf is a popular senior sport for both genders, and you can promote it whether you are coming at it from a beginner standpoint or with more experience.

People in the golf niche often want to learn from others and in this case, they not only want to know how to better their game, but also how to train for it, how to adhere to proper etiquette and rules, and even how to have fun on the course.

Not only are there many info products that you can promote that will teach you things like how to maintain your concentration in spite of the yips, but there are hundreds of tangible products that you can promote, too.

When you’re thinking about the tangible items, you have to think of everything the golfer will need from the time they decide to take up the sport, through their years working on elevating their game.

They will need everything from golf clothing head to toe, which includes a hat, shirt and pants, shorts, or skirts, gloves, and specific shoes to play the game. They will also need a golf bag, clubs, and other accessories.

These accessories include things like tees and balls. But they also need items out on the course such as GPS finders for the game that will tell them how far away they are from the hole, and they need training equipment to help them improve their swing before they even get on the course.

This is a game that is a mix of both mental and physical prowess. So you may be promoting focus and concentration topics as well as the physical stamina products that help them with stretching and flexibility.

Again, you can start your own blog and social media profiles in this niche where you can either promote products as an affiliate only, or create your own info products that teach people everything they need to know about this game.

One of the best things about the golf niche is that both men and women of all ages play, from juniors all the way through seniors – and the playing field is level so that you can teach any age group and skill level.

7 – Use Your Passion for Gardening to Bring in a Supplemental Income Online

As we mentioned previously when talking about the survival niche, being able to convey old school methods of mastering a task like gardening is important to younger generations.

Not only can you help them by sharing your own wealth of knowledge about growing a vegetable garden, but you can also combine today’s technology or strategies with your own insight so that they have the best harvest possible.

There are so many things people need to know and understand when it comes to gardening period from knowing when to grow the right foods to caring for the plants from seed to harvest, to understanding soil conditions and pest control.

This is a topic that is growing in popularity, so you can target it from a general standpoint, or go into something more specific such as container gardening, vertical gardening, or even cover a specific food such as growing tomatoes or herb gardening.

One of the best things for seniors going into this niche is that not only will you be teaching it to your audience, but you can be growing your own garden as a teaching tool, which will serve as another benefit to you.

You’ll be able to promote a variety of info products, as well as create your own. They can be broad or narrow, such as how to compost items from your kitchen to enrich your garden.

You can also simply blog about your experience gardening, and make recommendations whenever you do mention a tip such as composting, where you can include an affiliate link to a composting bin of your choice on a site like Amazon.

Your audience will need everything from gardening tools that they purchase once to ongoing planting supplies such as soil or fertilizers. They will need seeds, such as heirloom seeds and accessories for their garden, such as a galvanized raised garden bed box or a water hose or sprinkler.

There are even certain items of clothing that gardeners prefer to wear, including aprons that they can put their accessories and tools in, gloves to protect their hands, and hats that protect their face and head from the sun.

8 – Retirement Travel Can Serve as Your Source for Second Career Profits

Whether you are a world traveler or simply planning on traveling more now that you are retired, the travel niche can be a fantastic option for senior citizens. This is a niche that is growing in popularity, especially since the pandemic kept people cooped up for too long.

You may be able to share your experience traveling to certain destinations, or you may simply blog about and share your journey as you plan and take your trip. You need to decide how you want the focus or slant of your travel blog to be conveyed to your audience.

For example, you may want to target other seniors who want to plan their own trips. Or, you might want to have a travel blog dedicated to cruises or popular theme parks like Disney World.

Your blog based on travel might be a specific slant about finances, such as budget travel or high end travel. You might have a travel blog dedicated to traveling the United States via an RV.

Not only can you write or promote info products that teach people and guide people in their trip planning endeavors, but you can also promote tangible items such as travel gear they will need, which will include luggage, travel pillows, etc.

In addition to the many different travel accessories people purchase, such as a passport holder or travel document pouch, you can also promote guides about specific destinations or cultures that they may need to or want to read up on.

You might be able to earn commissions whenever you promote and people sign up for certain trips or tours in addition to certain hotels as well as getting car rentals or plane travel added on to their trip.

Not only do people love to tune into specific travel blogs for topics they are interested in, but they also love watching YouTube videos, listening to podcasts, and following accounts on sites like TikTok and Pinterest as well as Instagram, where the destinations are showcased beautifully.

9 – Anti Aging Is a Niche You Can Monetize in Many Different Areas

One of the more obvious niches that senior citizens may want to tap into is anti-aging. If you are someone who has aged well, whether that means you have minimized wrinkles and fine lines or you have maintained a physically fit lifestyle, others will want to follow in your footsteps and learn your secrets.

Your experience and perspective on the topic of aging can help others combat what they feel most worried about in terms of growing older. You can write info products or promote products such as skin treatments, supplements for brain health, and other products.

The topics that you cover may be anything from taking care of the skin that you are in to lifestyle topics like getting enough sleep and limiting your exposure to pollutants. As a senior yourself, you will be most empathetic with your audience and understand their emotional state when it comes to aging.

Some of the most popular anti-aging products will have to do with appearances, such as promoting products that reduce or eliminate wrinkles and age spots. But some of them will have to do with brain health, so your promotions may veer into things that stimulate the mind to keep it sharp and healthy.

Because mobility is such an important factor of growing older, you might be able to promote fitness equipment that keeps weight down and strengthens the body so that it can function well throughout the years.

10 – Cash in on Home Repair and DIY Tutorials as a Senior Niche Leader

Another niche where your life experience can come in handy for a younger audience is home repair or DIY lessons. If you go looking online, you’ll find many men and women who are teaching younger people who didn’t happen to have a role model, do common household repairs or even repairs on their car.

Many younger people don’t know how to check or change their oil, how to change a tire, how to unclog a drain, etc. This is something that is often passed down from generation to generation, but eventually the chain broke and there is now a generation that has no one to teach them these things.

Because people in this niche are often on a budget and looking to do things on their own, you’ll make your money from your valuable and helpful content and the views that it takes in.

You can also earn a lot based on the volume of sales you get on affordable products that they may need for their home repair or DIY projects. Instead of promoting the top of the line tools, you may have people who need more affordable options, or home repair supplies for things like a small hole in the drywall.

Since they will be doing it themselves, you can’t forget safety gear such as goggles and masks. There are many individuals who will also purchase complete DIY project instructions, and you’ll find these available to promote on sites like ClickBank – or you can create your own.

11 – Many Seniors are Starting Cooking Shows and Blogs and Earning from Their Endeavors

Your experience as a senior who has been cooking for your family for years can be turned into a lucrative online career. Just as many younger generations have no one to teach them home repair or things like sewing, they also have no one to pass down family recipes or teach them how to cook things properly.

The knowledge that you have gained about certain ingredients, cooking techniques, and recipes in general are things that you’re hungry audience has a passion for it. In fact, if you go on TikTok or YouTube, you will often find senior citizens being adopted by a loving audience who calls them their grandparent.

Cooking is a very heartfelt and emotional activity for many individuals and families, so you can have fun with this niche and even put your own twist on it. For example, if you are from Louisiana, you might want to slant it with a Cajun twist.

Or, you might want to teach people how to eat healthy or how to cook delicious Southern food. Your slant might be cooking on a budget period there are some people who teach others how to make wonderful meals from what they can find in the dollar store.

Or, you might teach people how to cook for one or cook for two people, rather than cook for an entire family of four or five individuals. There are some people who simply make their money from their YouTube or TikTok channels as content creators, and others who profit from the promotion of kitchen products.

As an affiliate, you will be promoting things such as cookbooks, kitchen appliances like food processors or sous vide machines, cookware, and more. You can also write your own cookbooks and even eventually have your own merchandise like other top chefs in the industry.

12 – Cleaning and Organization Are Skills Seniors Are Having Fun & Making Money Teaching Others

You might think everyone knows how to clean their home, or organize their clutter, but you’d be amazed to know how many people turn to others in an effort to learn this skill. In fact, there is an entire following on TikTok called CleanTok where the audience simply watches and learns how to clean their home.

You may have also heard of the Fly Lady. This is a woman who teaches people how to keep their home clean and organized with minimal effort, and she has a rabid fan base who wants to learn from her.

As a senior citizen, you may have an attention to detail that others growing up in later generations don’t have. You may be more resourceful about cleaning supplies or creative solutions to organize cluttered spaces.

This is something where the task has to be done properly, and in a way that is healthy and safe for the family. For example, many younger people don’t know not to mix certain cleaning agents, which can be dangerous to their health.

There are books written by people about how to rid your home of clutter. Not only will people buy info products teaching them how to do this, but they also purchase things like cleaning tools they can use in their home – from vacuums and dusters to cleaning clothes and storage containers.

You might even want to capitalize on all of the smart cleaning systems that are available now, such as robotic vacuums or items that clean the air of toxins and pollutants, for those who want to automate as much of the process as possible.

13 – Stress Relief Is a Soaring Niche Topic Seniors Can Use Their Experience in to Earn Online

Seniors today have been through their fair share of hardships. From global events to personal health crises, relationships that may have fallen apart, and other loss – they have the experience others need and how to deal with stress and navigate life in an emotional healthy way.

As we age, we gain a sense of wisdom that younger generations don’t yet have that will help us cope and prioritize what matters most in life. You also have an advantage about being mindful with your day, and not letting stress get the best of you.

But there are some people who stress more as they age. Your slant might be to help seniors alleviate stress that comes with growing older. However, you can also target any and all individuals and help them with things like meditation, herbal remedies, aromatherapy, and other tactics to stave off stress.

14 – Senior Sleep Niche Profits Are Easy to Come By

Sleep is one thing everyone needs in order to function properly period from the time we are babies all the way through to the end of our lives, sleep is something that some people do naturally, while others struggle with.

You might be able to help other seniors with their insomnia issues, or help ordinary individuals address their sleep challenges and help them understand the importance of getting enough sleep.

Not only can you promote or create info products that help them with their sleep issues, but you can also promote tangible items that will improve their sleep environment and sleep hygiene.

These may include things like a better mattress, more comfortable pillows and bedding, a white noise machine, etc. Because this is a topic everyone needs to do well with, you are not limited in how you approach the topic or what you promote to them, as long as it contributes to improved sleep of quality.

15 – Use Your Insight as a Senior to Help People with Relationship Issues

You don’t have to have a marriage that has lasted 50 years in order to feel qualified to help others with their relationship issues. However, if you are an older individual who has navigated the ins and outs of various relationships, people will often want to listen to your advice about the matters.

This isn’t limited to just romantic relationships, such as those between us significant other and or a spouse. It can include any type of relationships, such as friends, family, coworkers, and more.

You probably have a lot of experience dealing with a variety of personalities, whether they are romantic or platonic, and you likely have valuable insight you can share with your audience about how to build healthy relationships and maintain them by doing things such as listening better and communicating better.

Not only can you write your own books about healthy communication and relationship coaching topics, but you can also promote guides that are already out there about how to resolve conflict with someone, how to improve intimacy with others, and more.

There are also many dating resources that you can promote using CPA advertising in your content. This is when you get paid for the reader taking a certain action, such as signing up for a trial of a dating network.

As you can see, seniors are not very limited when it comes to selecting a niche topic that will work well for them online. Not only do you have an advantage over others when it comes to emphasizing your knowledge, experience, and expertise – but you also have many different product creation and product promotion ideas available to help you earn from your efforts online.