Avoiding an email nightmare!Most of you already know what a time suck checking your email can be, and the last thing you need is to add more to it.  So learn from my experience of when I was a sucker for any free download offer and proceeded to opt-in to whatever was being offered at the moment. If you are already on someone’s email list, they may very well be in partnership with other internet marketers and they will send endless notifications of this “must have report” that will in turn put you another list (if you opt-in) and so on and so forth.

So take my advice and pass on these offers unless one happens to grab your attention to where your curiosity cannot resist. However, there are only so many list building strategies and ways to direct traffic to your website. Many of the offers you receive will be, as mentioned before, rehashed PLR ebooks or videos that can be had at Resell Rights Weekly.com or from other resell/PLR sites. And believe me, the price of becoming a member of one of these sites is well worth it!

Also, I have found that some marketers will virtually spam you with several offers in one day! That is not playing nice! In my primary email that I have given to internet marketers, I can now expect to receive at least five to six pages each day that includes anywhere from ten to twenty emails that are hawking the same product.  Most of these particular products come from the Warrior Forum or JVZoo.com, and most of them are new and original and “must have”, however, some are PLR that has been put into niche packages. So, excuse me now while I go check my email and delete as many as I can of the almost 8,000 that have accumulated over the past couple of months.

And, to add insult to injury, someone has recently given or sold my email to a host of marketers I have never even heard of, much less have I willingly opted-in to any of their lists–and they all are from the same autoresponder company. Makes me wonder what the heck went on there!