Internet Marketing for Older Adults

Services like fiverr provide a cornucopia of options for talented people. Contractors have been able to share their hobbies at a marginal profit, while others have turned “gigs” into a full time job.  No matter what you came to fiverr to sell, no one is going to see anything without intelligent promotion of the services you provide. Knowing what is the best way to promote fiverr gigs is the key to online business sucess.

First of all, there is your gig itself.  Standing out can be difficult on a busy site like fiverr, so you need to make sure you well presented.  Describe what you’re offering, and make the description concise but informative. Try to keep it as short as possible, without skipping over important details. After the description is done, consider what graphics and videos you can make and post; Fiverr will host this media to give passersby an idea of what they can expect from you.  The use of this feature is highly recommended, as visuals can help a lot in drawing people in. Further, a gig with a video in it gets a graphical icon that makes it stand out from those without one.  Standing out in this sort of positive way is a huge plus.

The great thing about promotion on the internet is that some of the most effective options are also completely free!  Social media gives people tons of amazing places to show their portfolios, what they can do, and what they have already done.

Facebook is, most often, the best place to start.  Around 14% of the entire world has a Facebook profile, and every one of those people has the chance to see and hear the things you can do. This makes a Facebook business page a very attractive option. Having a place where you can show case picture of past work, and allow people to comment on it can help you make positive connection. A business page also adds legitimacy to the work you do, because some people a “business” more seriously than just a random person.

We already talked about putting videos on fiverr itself, but that isn’t the only place you should be considering. YouTube is another excellent way to display your talents, and give people something to look at it. A YouTube account that attract readership will make it easy for you to direct attention to your fiverr gigs. Having YouTube freely displaying your skill and authority isn’t a bad step either.

There are more social media sites out there than can be easily listed, and some of their usefulness depends entirely upon what you are offering. If your main service is language tutorials, than things like Twitter or Deviantart aren’t as important as something like Skype.  If your gigs are based around SEO or sketches, than these are websites you need to be using! Honestly, it’s never a bad idea to at least have accounts on as many social media sites as you can; networking is as useful on fiverr as it is anywhere else!

Really, it’s not about making your goods look better; it’s about making you look like the best person to buy goods from. All of the work in the world isn’t going to make sales, if they can’t find you. As such, the best way to promote fiverr is to promote yourself.