Content Marketing

If you want to be a success at digital marketing, you have to wrap your head around the fact that content will always be king. In fact, a lot of the digital marketing tactics you see today have actually been practices for many generations – before digital was even a dream.

From cave paintings to John Deer and even Jell-O, content marketing has been around for literally thousands of years. Anytime someone wanted to get the information out about anything, they could turn to content to help. Cookbooks are a great example of content marketing before the internet, because it’s something everyone can relate to. If a cookbook listed a particular brand of item in it, that’s what people would buy.

Today, content marketing is extra important because it’s how you’ll get people to visit your website. It’s also how you’ll teach people about the issues that are important to your audience, and hopefully turn them into a customer.

Digital Search Content – All content is fodder for search engine traffic. Search engines use the information on your blogs, websites and social media to send your customers your way. They do this with the terms used in the content or in the “alt” descriptions. Continue reading

Content Marketing 101The great thing about content marketing, aside from the fact that it is an inexpensive form of marketing that works, is that it’s a true investment in your business that pays off over and over again, year after year. When you create content today, it will be working for you a year from now. Creating content isn’t only about marketing; it’s about educating and engaging your audience, too.

Content marketing is also a simple concept to understand and implement for marketing success. Follow the four steps to content marketing success.

1 – Create a Website for Your Content

It’s important that your content has a home. You want to drive all traffic to that home. The home is your website. You don’t really want to drive traffic outside of your website. Any content you put anywhere should drive traffic to your website. It doesn’t matter if you have a bricks and mortar business or a strictly online business. Driving traffic to your website will ultimately drive traffic into your store to buy or to purchase off your website. Continue reading

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