Email Marketing

How Drip Email Campaigns Automate Market EducationOne of the best things about email marketing technology is the ability to set up drip campaigns. A drip campaign is simply a method of disseminating information to your market based on when they sign up. You’ll create a series of email marketing messages that will go out during periodic times. What the subscriber who signs up today will get is email 1, while another subscriber who has been a member for a few weeks may be on email 40.

This is a fabulous feature for an email marketing technology to have, because it puts all of your marketing education on autopilot. Depending on where your subscriber signed up for your list, or where in the product funnel they landed on your list, will depend on which messages they get based on market segmentation. Once it’s set up in the email technology, it runs without much thought.

One of the first things you want to do with your new subscribers, especially subscribers who have not yet been converted to customers, is to educate them about your Continue reading

What is Email Marketing? Your first question is probably, what is email marketing anyway? Well, basically email marketing is any marketing that uses email as its main way of delivering the marketing message to consumers. It is a type of direct to consumer marketing.

To engage in email marketing you need to build a targeted email list, invest in the right email list technology, and focus on writing awesome content, sales messages and other information to send out to your email list.

Email marketing is much more than just sending bulk emails to a bunch of random email addresses. It’s not wise to purchase email addresses in the way a business might purchase a snail mail list. The truth is, effective email marketing is so much more, and it’s a lot more direct than snail mail marketing. It’s so much more personal. When you consider that most people now check email on mobile devices, and they keep their device right near them (often 24 hours a day), you realize how truly big email marketing really is.

To be really successful at email marketing, you must have a targeted list to whom you send personalized targeted messages. You’ll need to consider the buying habits of your audience, what they’ve purchased of yours so far, what actions they’ve taken on your messages, and more. You don’t purchase this targeted list either; you build it through other efforts such as content marketing. Continue reading