Website Design

Header Design 101Your first 200 pixels can have a big effect on both the “vibe” of your site, as well as your total conversion rate. Designing a great header involves first understanding a few key principles, then doing a fair bit of experimentation.

Here’s how to make the most out of your first 200 pixels.

Decide on How Attention-Grabbing Your Header Should Be

Some headers are purposefully designed to fade into the background. These headers lend the site a subtle sense of beauty, credibility and professionalism, then disappear from the reader’s minds.

Other headers are designed to grab attention. They tell the user what the site is about, who you are or any number of other things. In other words, the header plays an active role rather than a passive role in the website.

Before you do anything else, first decide how attention-grabbing you want your header to have. This decision will inform all your other choices.

Generally, for content websites, a strong header is a good idea. For sales letter websites, the header should more or less fade to the background and give the first impression to the headline instead. Continue reading

The Basics of Using Colors & Graphics to Create WarmthHow do colors and graphics affect your website? The effect is a bit like an office. Imagine a client coming into your office. Before they even have a chance to gauge your business or your character, they’re already making judgments based on the cleanliness and design of your space.

Your colors and graphics work in much the same way. It doesn’t necessarily reflect on the quality of your product, but the reader will still make decisions about your credibility, reliability and professionalism based just on your colors and graphics.

These aren’t conscious decisions. They’re subconscious, subtle feelings of trust or distrust.

Here are basics of what you need to know about choosing colors and graphics to build credibility.

The Basics of Using Color

First of all, it’s a good idea to have one primary color and one adjacent color. Sometimes a site can do well with just one color or three colors, but it’s usually best to never have more than three colors.

The colors you choose should be similar enough that they’re soothing to the eye. The colors need to fit well together to create one smooth design. Continue reading