Social Strategies

Benefits of Social Media – Beyond MarketingMost business owners understand the value of using social media to market their business. They create Facebook pages, LinkedIn profiles, and dutifully fill out their Bing business listing – all in the hope of expanding their marketing efforts. However, did you know there are many more benefits of social media than marketing? With proper use and deployment of social media, any business can do all of the following and probably more.

Find Contractors and Employees

Need to fill a position fast? Use social media to help. Create a detailed listing of what you’re looking for and post it on your social media accounts. Ask your friends and followers to share. It’s more than likely that the person(s) who answer a call like this will be more compatible than using a huge impersonal job board.

Create More Sales

You may think that sales and marketing are the same thing, but they’re not. Marketing is increasing your reach so that you can get more leads, but sales are different. Social media can increase sales outside of your marketing efforts just because your clients might share with others what they bought. And if they like what you are talking about on social media, they might like to buy from you more. Continue reading

Are You Set Up with Google+?Google+ can still be regarded as the new kid on the block when it comes to social media sites. If you haven’t created your Google+ account then now is the time to do so. Google+ is now sky rocketing and you don’t want to lose out on the potential of additional advertising and marketing for your business.

The majority of social media users log into their accounts each day and spend at least 12 minutes on any one site, some more than others. When logged in a user will look at various things from checking in with their family and friends, to looking at news topics, product releases, politics, sports and entertainment.

Social media is a sharing platform and while each site is different they all allow you to interact and share with potentially millions of people each day. Just check out some of the top brand names and see what their social media profiles look like. There are plenty of Fortune 500 sites on Google+ alone.

The advantage to using Google+ is that you can brand your business with their unique +1 feature. This feature shows up on many websites as an icon or button and is similar to the Like button on Facebook. Continue reading