Social Marketing

Quality Versus Quantity In Social Media MarketingIt’s hard to read a marketing blog nowadays that doesn’t mention social media. With hundreds of millions of users worldwide, it’s easy to see why this is. More and more marketers are taking to social media as a marketing tool.

One reason is that these platforms aren’t affected by Google’s algorithm changes. However, that doesn’t mean that a strategy doesn’t have to be worked out to use them. All social media marketing needs a strategy.

One strategy that needs to be clear from the start is the type of content that will be posted.

Should you go for quantity?

Or is quality the best policy?

There can be a fine line between posting lots of content and making sure it is quality.

Obviously, if you are not posting regularly, then people won’t engage with you. However, creating quality content takes time. So what is the best strategy?

In short, quality always wins over quantity when using social media for marketing. Why is this? Why should you always choose quality over quantity? Continue reading