You may have tried hard to make a go of online marketing and just can’t get to the point where you can say you’ve reached true success. While online marketing isn’t complicated, it is a process which you have to learn – and keep learning.

Technology today is ever-changing and unless you keep up, you’ll be lost or not taking advantage of all the developments that come along constantly to help you succeed. If you have a mindset that you’ll keep on doing what you’ve always done and refuse to learn or change, it can cause you to stand still. In the online marketing world – that’s not good.

Or, you may be implementing every new strategy that comes along and still get no traction in your online business. The problem may not be the strategy or how you use it – but you may be trying too many new things rather than concentrating on the business models that can serve you best.

Another reason marketers find themselves spinning their wheels is fear. When you’re afraid to do a podcast or interview – or even a video for your followers – you’re lessening the impact you could be having on your online business.

You may be new in online marketing and think money can be made overnight and all you have to do is set up a program, then visit your computer once in awhile to see how much money is rolling into your account.

That, of course, isn’t true. Online marketing takes tons of effort and if you don’t plan to make the commitment to hard work, you’ll be spinning your wheels. With online marketing you’ve got to be a teacher, marketer, entrepreneur and student – all rolled into one.

Many online marketers make the mistake of continuing to do things as they’ve always done them, even though they may have had complaints about the product or service. Refusing to look at problems within the business will get you nowhere but moving backwards.

You may feel that you’re spinning your wheels when everything is going as it should. Give yourself and your business enough time to make a mark in the marketing world and don’t get impatient if you don’t see the big bucks appear in your account right away.

Black hat gurus may promise overnight success, but it just doesn’t happen that way with online marketing. Keep learning, working hard and coming up with new and innovative ideas and you’re bound to be successful.