How to Improve Your Website CredibilityWhen it comes to convincing or motivating purchases you can’t go wrong with credibility. When you’re believable and trustworthy, people will trust you and be more inclined to make a purchase. Because you’re an internet entrepreneur, your website has to do much of the talking for you – your website has to demonstrate credibility. Here’s nine ways to improve your website credibility

1 – Cut the Hype

Make sure the claims and promises you make are backed up by evidence. Evidence can be in the form of testimonials, raw data, facts and statistics or reviews. Always back up your promises and claims and if you can’t back them up, don’t make them. Consumers are too savvy to buy into it.


2 – Testimonials, Reviews, and Endorsements

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have an endorsement on your website from the leading personality in your industry? Imagine if you were in the crafting industry and Martha Stewart herself put her name and endorsement on your products, you’d be rolling in the dough.

So how do you get testimonials, reviews and endorsements to put on your website? Well sometimes customers are so pleased with your products or services that they happily offer them up, however most of the time you’re going to have to ask for them. Send an email or pick up the phone and talk to customers who you know had a positive experience.

3 – Make Your Website Look Professional

Being an experienced online surfer I’m sure you can quickly recognize a website that’s just trying to grab a few bucks versus one that has time, effort and professional attention put into it. Make sure your website is easy on the eyes, easy to navigate and looks and feels professional.

4 – Update Your Content Frequently

Ever visit a blog and it’s been a month or more since any content has been posted? That’s a sure sign that the business owner has dropped the ball. Even regurgitating posts is better than nothing however a stream of valuable and relevant content is a great way to improve your website credibility.

5 – Represent, Promote and Endorse Credible Products, Services and Companies

If you are an affiliate marketer, information marketer or have partnered with someone, make sure everyone you represent reflects the image you want to portray. One unethical business partner can pull you down.

6 – Join an Association or Organization or Win an Award

We love to see stamps of approval and online there are a number of options. Simply joining an organization in your industry and placing that organizations logo on your website with a “Member of….” will help boost your credibility.

7 – Be Present

Make sure you have a presence on your website. That means an about us page, contact information, and any information or background you can list that adds to your online credibility the better. If you’ve studied with an expert, taken a course, won an award, have years of experience or have helped someone accomplish something relevant to your niche, share it. People want to know there’s a real live person behind the website.

8 – Pay Attention to Detail

Typos, grammar errors, spelling errors, misaligned formatting and broken links all give the appearance of sloppiness and detract from your credibility. Users are aware that mistakes happen and don’t judge too harshly however the fewer mistakes you have, the better.

9 – Don’t make your website look like a walking advertisement or a billboard

…like at the back of a coffee shop covered with banner ads and classified ads. Advertising is expected and often appreciated on a website however it can’t be the main focus.

Credibility is earned through hard work, dedication and an attention to detail. When you start with the right mindset and intentions, it’ll show through your website and your customers and visitors will recognize you for the outstanding expert you are.