How to Know If It’s Time to Make the Leap to Full Time Work at HomeThose of us with full time jobs usually spend more of our waking hours at work than anywhere else. It’s important to get ahead with your company, and working long hours is the way to achieve it in today’s world.

That may be your cup of tea, but it isn’t for everyone. If you’ve spent long months or years at a job where you’re getting nowhere and would like to make the leap from working away from home to working at home, there are some ways to know when it’s time.

One of the most gut-wrenching ways to know it’s time to make the leap is that you dread going to work. It’s an awful feeling to get up each morning and drudge through the day, wishing you were anywhere but there.

Eventually, that dread can take an emotional and even a physical toll on you. Depression, stress, anxiety and loss of self-esteem can occur when you stay in a job longer than you should.

You may have simply lost the passion you once held for your job, but still enjoy the company of your co-workers and boss. But, if you’ve lost the passion, you need to reassess your career path before you begin to dislike everything about the job.

Working too many hours, bringing work home and coming home in a bad mood can take a toll on your relationships. When your job begins to affect your personal life, don’t wait until the damage is too much to repair to make a change.

When you see the writing on the wall that there’s no chance for advancement within the company, it’s time to think about a job change. Or, you may experience frustration when you realize that you know more than your boss.

If you can’t rely on your company’s upper management to recognize the difference, it’s time for a switch. There are so many opportunities today to work from home, be your own boss and be in charge of the income you make.

People are doing it every day by setting up online businesses – first, to provide a supplemental income and then giving them the opportunity to quit a job and work from home on a permanent basis.

If you’ve tried everything to make a career or job work out, but haven’t seen any positive changes from your efforts, it may be time to take the bull by the horns and move on to something else. Research the many ways you can turn your career around by working online and then decide which path is best for you.