How to Know If You’re Making an ImpactOne of the things that can be frustrating when you start an online business, is knowing whether or not the hard work you’re putting in is making an impact at all. This can be hard to tell if you don’t know the signs, when you’re not making a full-time living yet from your efforts. Here are some good indicators that you’re making an impact.

You Have Regular and Increasing Website/Blog Visitors

Building traffic on a website or blog takes time. You’re not going to get a million page views overnight. But if your visitors are increasing and regular then that shows that what you’re doing is making an impact. Pay close attention to individual blog posts or other content that is getting the most the most traction and do more content like that.

Your Content is Being Read, Shared, and Commented On

If people who visit your website read, that’s great, but if they share and comment on what you’re doing, that’s even better. Engagement is a much better indicator of impact than pure site visitors. Be sure to reply to those who comment and if you are notified of shares, thank them.

You’re Consistently Making New Connections

Are people seeking you out more and more to connect with you on various social media accounts? If so, that is a great sign that you’re making a huge impact on their thoughts and actions with your online presence.

You’re Being Invited to Speak at Events

A very exciting thing that can happen when you’re making an impact in your niche is getting invited to speak at events – either online or offline. It might frighten you, or feel as if it’s way out of your comfort zone, but it’s important to accept opportunities as they come that will further your business goals.

Your Content is Being Curated

If other people are talking about your content on their blogs and websites and sharing it, then you’re absolutely making an impact. This type of engagement is an excellent indication that you’re making waves within your niche as a thought leader.

You’re Getting New Email Subscribers Every Day

If you’ve set up an email subscribe form (and you should) and you’re getting new subscribers every day, then you’re making a huge impact. Every subscriber will take you closer to your online business success goals.

You’re Building a Community

The more you build your business, the more you will (if you set it up right) build a community consisting of prospects and customers. Your customers will become fans for you, convincing the prospects to join them. You can do this via your Facebook page or a LinkedIn group, or even with a forum on your own website. Often it happens rather organically when you’re making an impact.

You’re Earning Money

You promote products and services and start making money or someone asks to pay money to put an advertisement on your website. Even just a few dollars means you made an impact on someone.

In addition to these success indicators, some other signs that you’re making an impact are that you’ve taken the time to create a professionally designed blog that you’re proud of, and keep it updated regularly.