Private label rights articles (PLR) is a great way to save time and get your business off to a great start or moved up to the next level. You can use it to increase social media engagement, build your email list, and engage with your audience more than ever before. With PLR most of the work is done for you, but you do have to do a bit to make it work. To use PLR articles into social networking gold you just need to get started.

Know Your Purpose

Before you post anything on social media, be it PLR or your own posts, you should understand what the purpose of your post is. Is it to get someone to share your post, like your post, buy something, comment or something else entirely? If you don’t know, your audience won’t know either.

Buy from a Reputable Source

You want to buy PLR that is well written and true PLR. There are unscrupulous people out there who will steal other people’s content and call it PLR and sell it to you. You need to research any company you purchase PLR from to ensure that they are honest and selling real PLR before you even think about trying to mine the networking gold.

Understand Who Your Audience Is

If you don’t know your audience it will be hard to choose PLR that will work. You need to understand what type of information they want to read and what they need to learn. What are your audience’s pain points that you can address, and what problems can you solve for them?

Transform PLR Articles into an Infographic

The research has been done for you in the PLR. If you have an article that gives a lot of stats, it’s a great article to turn into an infographic using the stats in the article. You can post the infographic on your social media account and link back to the personalized PLR article on your website for a huge impact.

Turn PLR Articles into a Free Report

Combine and personalize PLR articles to create a free report to give to followers on your social media accounts. You can even add in your affiliate links to the PLR that you give away for free as a way to earn money from the free gift.

Transform PLR Articles into Short Social Media Posts

By using the headlines of your PLR articles you can create a lot of social media posts that will get attention. Just rewrite them to fit your audience and be sure to link to your website or a product that you’re selling in the post.

Personalize everything that you send out to your network. Your brand, image, and information should be very clear on every last thing you share on social media. It doesn’t matter if it’s a free report, an infographic, or something else – brand it as your own before moving forward. PLR is only as good as the creator and the user combined for creating networking gold.