What is User-Generated Content and How is It Beneficial to BusinessesUser-generated content refers to articles, blog posts, graphics, photos and other material on websites produced by users of the site. This differs from company websites that publish content produced by paid experts or professionals. In user-generated content, or UGC, the contributors are usually consumers who write material created outside of their professional realm.

To businesses, user-generated content can be extremely valuable. It’s both cost-effective and easy to set up. The popularity of this game-changing trend has grown tremendously over the past several years, aspiring entrepreneurs and businesses alike.

User-generated content is desired because it:

Enriches User Experience

Improve your site users’ online experience by allowing them to voice their opinions. Online forums and blogs are an ideal way to draw in consumers and keep them on your site longer. User-generated content that has fresh comments and opinions from real users keeps users coming back. The longer a user stays on your site, the more familiar they will become with your brand.

Provides a Trustworthy Source

User-generated content provides a personal source of information about a venue or experience. Often consumers are searching for reviews from real people to determine how “good” or “bad” a company or service is. They are more likely to trust reviews by real users. Reviews written by the general public, which is essentially “word of mouth marketing” on social media and search results on Google and Bing can play a major role in a company’s reputation.

Boosts SEO Efforts

Most businesses understand the importance of SEO. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, can not only be beneficial to your site’s general content, but also to your site’s user-generated content. Help your site creep up the search engine ranks by utilizing desirable keywords and by keeping your content fresh.

Since users will be supplying a continuous flow of relevant content, little effort on your part is needed to maintain the freshness of your site’s material. Ask your users for exactly what you want in terms of content. It’s just like asking for the “call to action” – your call to action to your users is to ask them to submit specific types of content for you.

Reaches a Larger Audience

The number of people using social media networks and user-generated sites has exploded in recent years. This gives businesses the opportunity to share content created by consumers, reaching thousands of people through sites like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. The impact of social media sites when it comes to sharing content is beyond massive and continues to grow every day.

Creating User Relationships

With the growth of user-generated content, businesses are better able to reach consumers on a more personal level. Businesses have the opportunity to understand what their customers want to better meet their needs. Companies and brands are also able to view each consumer individually, allowing them to recognize and reward active content users.

Marketers are making a big deal about user-generated content and the reasons speak for themselves. Co-creating with your consumers helps companies develop in a way that is beneficial for both the company itself and their customers. Content continues to be king in the business world, and UGC makes creating new content easier than ever.