Content Marketing

The Right Way to Do Content MarketingWhen you practice content marketing, done right, your readers won’t even realize they are receiving a marketing message. By creating content that is unique, has a specific voice or style, and that imparts new ideas without forgetting the reason why the content exists, you will always be super successful.

Components of Content Done Right:

  • Unique – When you create content yourself it should be totally original and share an idea in a new way. People want new ways to understand things and no one can do it quite like you can. You are special.
  • Targeted – Know exactly for whom you’re creating any content. That’s the only way to truly make content stand out to the viewer. You want them to feel as if this content was made just for them. They are special.
  • Engaging – Bring the reader (or viewer if video) into the content by doing something unexpected to show them more about your personality. People like to feel as if they know you. Give them a peek.
  • Valuable – Whether it’s free content or paid content, it should offer some sort of value to the viewer. If your content cannot answer “what’s in it for them?” then you are barking up the wrong tree.

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Video has become a driving force in content marketing. One only has to look as far as YouTube’s success to see that video content is a thriving entity all on its own. In fact, you can create a thriving business using mostly video as your main type of content. But, if you normally just use textual content, the thought of using video can be daunting.

Get the Tools

You really don’t have to spend tons of money on the right tools for creating entertaining and engaging videos for your content marketing needs. However, at least spending enough to be able to provide adequate lighting and sound is important. You can even use your iPhone or iPad to create outstanding videos.

No One Hit Wonders

Videos don’t stand alone. If you create one, you really should create more than one. Having a regular video series as part of your blog is a good idea. It will encourage more viewers to take the time to view your videos if you have more than one. At first it may feel as if no one is watching, but take the time to stick to doing them during a time period and see what happens. Continue reading