Internet Marketing for Older Adults

Gender Marketing

According to the Marketing to Women Conference, 85% of buying decisions are made by women. That means that appealing to women to purchase your product or service is a very important aspect of marketing online. With more than 94% of these women having access to the internet, it becomes clear that you need to appeal to women if you want them to buy what you have to offer. In fact, some people believe that even if you want the man to buy what you have to offer, you should appeal to their wives and mothers first.

Women make up the majority of the online market with over 20 percent of them shopping online at least once per day. Most women are using mobile devices to access information that helps them make purchasing decisions. With over 70 percent of new businesses being started by women, and many of those being online businesses, it’s important for your business to understand the market.

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Most men care a lot about whether or not something works and how it works, but they don’t care as much about the story of how the business came to be, or the emotional connections they can make by purchasing the product or service. They care about how the purchase benefits them, and whether or not they can get in and buy it quickly or not so that they can go back to doing something else.

Banner and Digital Ads

According to Microsoft, men are more responsive to digital ads than women. Even if they don’t click through, they see the advertisement on their computer or mobile device and it does influence their choice of whether or not to buy. Men are also more likely to use digital coupons than women.

You Must Be Mobile

Generally, men are using mobile technology to shop while they are at lunch, waiting in line, and doing other activities. The stereotype is mostly true: men don’t like to shop. But, they will shop if they need to. If your store is not responsive, you will lose out on sales because when a man is ready to buy something he’s not going to come back later; he’s going to buy the item right now, and if not from your store then another store. Continue reading