Internet Marketing for Older Adults


With so much emphasis being made on quality content for search engine placement, there has been a rise in the interest of content marketing. But a lot of questions still remain as to how to create an effective content marketing strategy. Here is a strategy that focuses on the three main concerns of content marketing – findability, shareability, and convertability.


Previous SEO strategies included keyword stuffing and keyword density, but those strategies do not work anymore, in fact, will even get your site penalized in the search engines. The best way to create search engine friendly content is with a combination of the following methods.

Create High Quality Content

There are several factors to be taken into consideration in order to create quality content. The content must be directed toward a specific audience and address a concern they may have. The information included in the article must be detailed and perhaps even present a new or unique solution to the problem. It is also recommended that you have mapped a visitor’s journey toward a specific goal (a purchase) and know where on the map the content you are creating will be. Continue reading

There has been a lot of change in SEO over the past few years. If you’ve been around SEO for very long, you know that there has been an emphasis on creating quality content lately. To help make sure that content performs well; here are ten SEO tips to keep in mind.

Keywords vs. Intent

The practice of keyword stuffing is long gone and so is the practice of keeping a certain keyword density. No longer do we need to try incorporating our keyword into titles, headings, body copy, links, and descriptions. The practice now is to group keywords into buckets of intent.

There are three types of intent keywords: navigational, informational and transactional. Of these, transactional keywords (buying keywords) are considered to be high intent keywords, while navigational (searches for a particular website) and informational (searches for information about a particular topic) keywords are considered to be low intent.

Understanding your visitor’s intent and then crafting content with the proper intent keywords will help increase your conversions. Continue reading